March 6, 2024


Panel 1: India and International Security

Moderator: Nikola Mirilovic, School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs

Yogesh Joshi, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore and Global Policy Fellow at the Wilson Center, Washington, D.C.

Title: “India’s Approach to Use of Force in International Politics: Before and After Modi.”

Chris Clary, Department of Political Science, University of Albany, SUNY, and Nonresident Fellow, Stimson Center, South Asia Program

Title: “Strategic Calculations and Public Opinion in Interstate Crisis: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in India”

Mohamed Zeeshan, India Policy Initiative, The Carter Center

Title: “The Centrality of Democratic Values to India’s Rise as an Emerging Power”

Panel 2: Subnational Governance in India

Moderator: TBD

Anjali Thomas, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology

Title: “Getting on the Grid: The Politics of Public Service Formalization in Urban India”

Aditya Dasgupta, Department of Political Science, University of California, Merced

Title: “The Political Economy of Bureaucratic Assignments: Micromotives and Macrobehavior in India’s Land Administration”

Tanu Kumar, Division of Politics and Economics, Claremont Graduate University

Title: “Democratizing Bureaucracy: Citizen Claim-Making and Local Government Responsiveness in Rural India”


Moderator: James Bacchus, Distinguished University Professor of Global Affairs and Director of the Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity; UCF School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs

Richard Rossow, Senior Adviser and Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Title: “The Promise of a U.S.-India Partnership”

Panel 3: Sustainable Development in India

Moderator: TBD

Vyoma Jha, India Program, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Title: “Able to Sustain? India’s New Approach towards Sustainability”

Aditya Ramji, India ZEV Research Centre, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California Davis

Title: TBD

Praveen Kumar, School of Social Work, Boston College

Title: “Unpacking Adoption and Sustained Use of Social Policy Interventions: Cases of PMUY and PMJDY”

Anmol Soni, Department of Public Administration, Louisiana State University

Title: TBD